Who should apply?

Outstanding second- and third-year undergraduate and first year Masters students in Informatics and other STEM disciplines.

What is the deadline for applications? When will I hear back?

Applicants submitting their applications by July 22nd will receive notification of their status by July 27th. Submissions received after this date will be evaluated on a rolling basis until all positions are filled.

What if I am available for a subset of the days? Can I attend partially?

Unfortunately, no. Students are expected to commit for the entire duration.

What is the earliest arrival and latest departure date?

Check-in  at the Ospitalità San Tommaso d'Aquino will be available after 2:00 pm on August 19. Checkout is by 10:00 am on August 30.

Where are classes held?

Classes will be held at the Oratorio San Filippo Neri, in Via Manzoni, 5, Bologna.

 What kind of accommodations will there be?

Students will be hosted at the Ospitalità San Tommaso d'Aquino, in Via San Domenico 1.  Typical accommodation consists of a double room, with private bath, TV, and Wi-Fi.

Do I need to bring a laptop?

It is highly recommended you do.

Which language is spoken at the school?

All instruction will be in English.

How many students will be attending?

Approximately 70.

If the above does not address your question, you can contact the organizers.